Visual Studio 2013 Lesson : Flow Charts. (data flow diagrams)

[Lesson 38] <<[Contents] >>[Lesson 40]

What is a flowchart?

flowchartA flowchart is a diagram that shows the breakdown of a task or system into all of the necessary steps.

Each step is represented by a symbol and connecting lines show the step-by-step progression through the task.

Have a look at the diagram on the right. It shows the process of ordering a burger.

There is a clear start, a series of steps, a clear direction of flow and a clear end or finish point.

This is a very simple flowchart. For some tasks or systems, the flowchart can be very complex and detailed.

Example using loop

Declare variables
Set total time = 0
 Loop once for each row in CSV
     IF first character in list is “E”
         Multiply corresponding cost arrCost by 10
        Multiply corresponding cost arrCost by 5
Calculate totalCost
Write value to message box

Symbols Used in Flowcharts

[Lesson 38] <<[Contents] >>[Lesson 40]