Visual Studio 2013 Lesson : Import TXT file

[Lesson 41] <<[Contents] >>[Lesson 43]

Import TXT file (alternate method)

Visual Studio features a command line that allows data to be exported from arrays or strings itoan external file.
Streamreader reads the data in the arrays or strings, and adds the data to assigned columns or string of data in atext or CSV file.  strings or arrays.

The coding shown exmports CSV file. Note the data in the text file or cloumns in teh CSV are identified using the (,) comma.
The following coding exmports a CSv file to 3 columns.

'pass the file path and the file name to the StreamWriter Constructor
objStreamWriter = New StreamWriter("C:\MyDocuments\TestFile.csv", True) 'True appends file, False overwrites file
'write to file
objStreamWriter.WriteLine(Array1(i) + "," + Array2(i) + "," + Array3(i) + "," + Array4(i))
'Can just use .write
' close the file


[Lesson 43] <<[Contents] >>[Lesson 45]